

Hello! If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen a post stating that I was taking a break from blogging and YouTube during this fall/winter season. I decided to take this break because I knew I was about to get very very busy. And I have been! This is my last semester of college. I just graduated in May 2016, but am taking this fall semester to finish up one more class and start interning. While I'm not studying to pass this last class and earn my degree in fashion merchandising and marketing, I'm interning at a fashion PR showroom here in Los Angeles. I've been loving everything that has come my way this semester, but I've just been too busy to schedule shoots for my blog and Youtube.

BUT, the bigger reason why I decided to take this break was because I wasn't happy with the content I've been putting out. I feel that my content is not showing all of me as a person. It's not reflecting who I really am. My style has been changing and I'm sad that I haven't been able to document it and share it with you guys, but I'm still figuring out so much and my head has been very cluttered and disorganized when it comes to creating content.

I really do miss sharing content on my platforms and I can't wait to come back. As this semester is nearing the end, and my internship program is coming to a close, it's time for me to make a comeback. I've had a lot of time to think about myself and I really miss interacting with followers. A huge reason that I left was because I felt that I wasn't doing any favors to anyone. I felt like I wasn't helping anyone or providing any entertainment or inspiration for anyone. I was starting to feel like I wasn't unique.

After deciding to take a break, I've still received a lot of support and positive comments, which I'm so thankful for! The main feedback that I've gotten was to stay inspired and not to give up, but to come back stronger.

As 2016 comes to an end, I know I have a lot to look forward to. I have a lot to prove to myself and the people around me. I can't wait to really explore who I am and hopefully make people proud.

For now, please keep in touch! XO

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